
Autocad 2018 vs 2017
Autocad 2018 vs 2017

However, there is no recent global review on the prevalence of CVD among adults with T2DM. Reviews have been published on the epidemiology of type 1 diabetes (T1DM), and CVD, pre-diabetes and the risk of CVD, or reviews have focused on specific countries. This is especially needed to inform clinical and policy level decision-making by healthcare providers, healthcare policy decision-makers, and health economic analysts. The increased focus on adequately treating patients with both CVD and T2DM requires that we have updated prevalence rates of CVD among patients with T2DM. Following these regulatory requirements, several cardiovascular outcomes trials (CVOT) have been completed, which demonstrate that certain anti-diabetic treatments are associated with a lower risk of CVD. Furthermore, there is increasing pressure from regulatory agencies that antidiabetic treatments demonstrate cardiovascular safety and benefits, especially for major cardiovascular events such as cardiovascular mortality, non-fatal MI, and stroke.


Hence, the most effective approach for prevention of macrovascular complications appears to be multifactorial risk factor reduction (glycemic control, smoking cessation, diet, exercise, aggressive blood pressure control, treatment of dyslipidemia).Īs a result, diabetes treatment guidelines have been updated to provide guidance on how to prevent and manage the onset of CVD. Although the importance of intensive glycemic control for protection against microvascular complications and CVD in people with T1DM is well established, its role for reducing cardiovascular risk has not been established as clearly in people with T2DM. Good glycemic control remains the main foundation for managing T2DM. Given the clinical burden that CVD complications have on T2DM patients, there has been an increased focus on the joint management of T2DM and CVD. Thus, an increasing burden of diabetes will likely be followed by an increasing burden of CVD. indicated that the hazard ratio for death due to CVD was constantly increasing each year. In a longitudinal study of 881 patients with T2DM over 10 years, van Hateren et al. In the Framingham Heart Study, Fox reported that, along with the increasing T2DM prevalence, the attributable risk of CVD due to T2DM increased from 5.4% in the period 1952–1974 to 8.7% in the period 19. In contrast, patients who did not have T2DM, the death rates due to cardiovascular causes were 2.1 and 15.9%, respectively. In persons with T2DM, the death rates were 15.4% for those with no prior myocardial infarction (MI) and 42.0% in patients having a history of MI. reported death rates due to cardiovascular causes over a 7-year period in patients with and without T2DM. Furthermore, people with T2DM are disproportionately affected by CVD compared with non-diabetic subjects. T2DM reduces life expectancy by as much as 10 years, and the main cause of death for patients with T2DM is CVD. Adults with diabetes historically have a higher prevalence rate of CVD than adults without diabetes, and the risk of CVD increases continuously with rising fasting plasma glucose levels, even before reaching levels sufficient for a diabetes diagnosis. That change represented an increase in the incidence of T2DM of 83.3% and was higher in males than females by a factor of 1.61.Ĭardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of death and disability among people with diabetes. noted that the overall annualized incidence rates of the disease per 1000 persons increased from 3.0 in the 1970s to 5.5 in the first decade of the 2000s. Using data from the Framingham Heart Study, Abraham et al. The prevalence of T2DM has been steadily increasing over time. People with diabetes comprise 8.8% of the world’s population, and IDF predicts that the number of cases of diabetes will rise to 642 million by 2040. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates that worldwide, 415 million people have diabetes, 91% of whom have type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).

Autocad 2018 vs 2017